The research aims at revealing the development features and principles of the main components of the digital economy: distributed ledger technology (blockchain) and real option technologies. The paper shows that blockchain technology, as a decentralized data ledger, is the most discussed and relevant...
Section 4, highlights the underlying concepts of the technology focusing on the key attributes of blockchain. The section also presents an analysis of the various consensus algorithms. The taxonomy and generations of blockchain are discussed in Section 5. The section further provides a comparison ...
blockchaindistributed ledger technologyA comparative study across the most widely known blockchain technologies is conducted with a bottom-up approach. Blockchains are disentangled into building blocdoi:10.2139/ssrn.2977811Tasca, PaoloTessone, Claudio...
The notion of “blockchain” has no national origin, it’s network “citizenship”. The history of the term began in 2008 when an anonymous person or a bunch of persons hiding under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto published a piece of writing that became the manifesto of this innovative techno...
Technology Overview SSKR URs Gordian Reference Libraries Research: Blockchain Commons Research Specifications (BCRs) URs One of our most successful interoperable specifications to date has beenur:. Following is a table of usage. Please submit PRs if you are aware of different usages or to make co...
As stated previously, blockchain technology promises to be the foundation for a secure transaction network that induces trust and security in industries that are plagued with systemic issues around trust and accountability. It aims to generate market and cost efficiencies. In the past few years, as...
One article proposed the use of blockchain technologies for transparent and secure data access management (32). Another pointed to the utility of connecting proteomic with the ever-increasing inflow of metadata (35). Theme 3—Identifiability/Privacy One set of concerns centers on the possibility of...
Rantos K, Drosatos G, Demertzis K, Ilioudis C, Papanikolaou A, Kritsas A (2018) ADvoCATE: a consent management platform for personal data processing in the IoT using blockchain technology. International conference on security for information technology and communications. Springer, Cham, pp 300...
IoT: The integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) introduces real-time monitoring and control of all the processes involved in manufacturing. This provides greater visibility into processes and increases response speed for more accurate quality assurance. Blockchain Technology: This is a secure ...
(Chasin et al.2020; CCIA2015; Jones2011). Sardex, for example, has a centralized electronic system that allows tax transparency for the local government (Sartori and Dini2016). To achieve this goal, blockchain technology is an opportunity to offer increased transparency of the transactions ...