Notes For instance, Daniel Sarewitz and Roger Pielke ([6], p. 59) described the precautionary principle as “a dandified version of ‘better safe than sorry’”. The historical material in this section is largely based on the more extensive account of the origin and development of the ...
where competitors make notches in a large trunk which they then stand on to make more notches, ultimately placing three steps before chopping half-way through the top of the trunk before repeating the process on the other side and removing the top of the trunk...
Despite what most of us have been taught since childhood,democracy in service to the Stateis not some great noble enterprise but is the institutionalized theft of the minority by the majority.It is, in effect,"two wolves and a lamb deciding what is for dinner". Even more bizarrely, in so...
24, no. 8 Tax Notes International 775-816; and Richard L. Doernberg, Luc Hinnekens, Walter Hellerstein, and Jinyan Li, Electronic Commerce and Multijurisdictional Taxation (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2001), chapter 4.Slicing the Digital Pie with a Traditional Knife - Effectiveness ...
Notes 1. ^ Prohibition in the United States - 2. ^ Marihuana: A Signal of Misunderstanding - National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse. 3. ^ Nixon Pot - 4. ^ Once secret Nixon tapes show why the U.S. outlawed pot - Originally posted on 5....
Notes ^Death by Governmentby R.J. Rummel. Also seeNecrometricsby Matthew White. 2.^Football is Great (Just Not for the Economy)by Dennis Coates atFoundation for Economic Education. 3.^Nations Report Card:MathandReading. 4.^National Center for Educational Statistics:MathandReading. ...