This research expands on ethics as the 10th generic principle by using the deontological philosophy of Immanuel Kant (1724-1804). Issues management, as the highest decision-making function of public relations, is discussed in relation to ethical decision making. Based on this conceptual theory, a ...
我们认为(generalized)logical consequence relation 要求的至多是:不在接受所有前提的情况下拒绝(所有)...
Size of the development of globalization, management systems, maximize efficiency, stability, harmony humanization and public relations. company to keep up with the times and to improve the market demand of the market-oriented, and functional; to sustainable development principles, to seek maximum b ...
我们认为(generalized)logical consequence relation 要求的至多是:不在接受所有前提的情况下拒绝(所有)...
1. 需要原则 内在需要原理,inner need... ... ) internal need 内在性需要 )principle of demand需要原则) needs of inner 内心需要 ...|基于 1 个网页 2. 需求原则 ...夏廷德(2006)教授提出了翻译补偿的六个原则,即需求原则(principle of demand)、相关原则(principle ofrelation)、重点...
2) public ethical principles 公共伦理原则 3) Public Welfare Ethics 公益伦理 例句>> 4) the public interest principle 公益原则 1. Procurators must comply with these basic principles during the course of civil and administrative prosecution:the public interest principle; the country interveneing principl...
5.An analysis on legislative principles of "Law of Punishments in Public Security Administration";《治安管理处罚法》体现的立法原则 6.The fundamental principles of the constitution of the Extra Power Relation are: principle of privilege limitation, principle of legitimate procedure conformity and principle...
8.Relation Between the Principle of National Sovereignty and the International Protection of Human Right;略论国家主权原则与人权的国际保护之间的关系 9.Meanwhile, the international investment law also adapts to the basic principle of the international law, especially the principle of the state sovereignty...
最少知识原则,也称为迪米特法则(Law of Demeter, LoD),是一种软件设计原则,它指导我们减少对象之间...
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