multiple reflectionilluminationCCD endoscopic color measurementWe propose a method to compensate a change of illumination for color measurement of the mucous membrane of human internal organs from CCD endoscopic images, which are captured under the circumstances where the spectral distribution of the ...
Although the computing accuracy of first-principles simulation is largely high, the number of atoms is still limited to at most hundreds of atoms. Therefore, besides the intrinsic properties of single-phase materials, first-principles simulation can only be considered and applied to study the ...
To what does the law of reflection apply? What is a conceptual variable? What is catastrophism? What is the "all or none" principle? What is statistical analytical chemistry? What is correlation analysis? What is forensic trace evidence analysis?
for this reflection, in particulartheconcept of buildingknowledgesocieties and itsfourunderlying principles:freedom of expression; quality education [...] 大会之前的相关决议和执行局之前的相关决定(第 35 C/62 号决议、第 33 C/52 号决议以及第 174 EX/13 号决定...
Natural language syntax yields an unbounded array of hierarchically structured expressions. We claim that these are used in the service of active inference
Researchers only have access to performance, which is mediated by additional factors and is not a direct reflection of competence. In this dissertation, I explore a case study of children's early syntactic knowledge. My in-depth analysis of Principle C at 30 months provides novel insights into ...
18.The Principle of Prudence:Reflection and Practical Use in the New Accounting Norms;论谨慎性原则在新会计准则中的体现及实际运用 相关短句/例句 practicality principle实用性原则 1.This aim will be met on the base of implementing the practicality principle,which is the leading guidance and value orie...
IPSAS standardsare principle-based, the latitude for interpretation of standards gives rise to some diversityinreporting across organizations. 鉴于公共部 门会计准则以原则为基础,对准则的解释有一定的自由度,因此,各组织在报告 方面会有一些不同做法。
The “multiple exposure,” Figure 17.11c, shows ψ1 + ψ2 at different times. Their superposition, ψ1 + ψ2 = 2 sin kx cos ωt, is called a standing wave because there is no motion of the disturbance along the x-direction. Not all waves obey the principle of superposition. For ...
REFLECTION, REFRACTION, AND GEOMETRIC OPTICS George B. Arfken, ... Joseph Priest, in International Edition University Physics, 1984 39.1 Huygens' Principle, Refraction, and Dispersion We can understand many aspects of the propagation of light without using Maxwell's electromagnetic wave theory. We ne...