The targeting protocols applied by forces during armed conflict are some of the most secretive documents held by any military. However, their role in applying principles of international humanitarian law (IHL) means that they are key to understanding their development. This piece is primarily ...
This chapter examines the principle of distinction in contemporary International Humanitarian Law (IHL). As a general rule, the principle of distinction permits direct attacks only against the armed forces of the parties to the conflict, while the peaceful civilian population must be spared and ...
Thus, policy reforms - in terms of a principled approach in foreign policy, the role of regional powers in conflict, the development of international humanitarian law and the International Criminal Court, the role of multinational companies, use of sanctions, regulation of the arms trade, and the...
(BasicPrincipleof InternationalLaw) 1 ●●● 2 1 3 juscogens 国家之国际社会全体接受并公认为不许 损抑,且仅有以后具有同等性质之一般 国际法规律始得更改之规律 4 2 •初步形成和传播时期(17-19世纪) •快速发展和充实时期(两次大战之间) •深入发展和系统化时期 –联合国与国际法基本原则的系统化;...
第二章国际法基本原则(BasicPrincipleofInternationalLaw)ZhangLijuan 重点问题:●国际法的基本原则 联合国宪章确立的国际法基本原则●国家主权平等原则●和平共处原则 ● 一、国际法基本原则的概念 1、国际法基本原则的含义指那些各国普遍接受、适用于国际法一切效力范围、构成国际法基础的法律原则。接受的普遍性;适用的...
8.The Impaction of“Humanitarian Intervention”to Basic Principles of International Law;“人道主义干涉”对国际法基本原则的冲击 9.Explore the Truth of Marx s Theory;探求马克思学说的真谛——《劳动人道主义——马克思主义的原则》简介 10.Principles and Norms Governing Cooperation among States and Government...
International humanitarian law is based on the fundamental principles of humanity and military necessity 国际人道主义法的基础是人性与军事必要性的根本原则。 MultiUn The principle of humanity was an important and distinct guiding principle. 人道原则是一项重要而明确的指导原则。 UN-2 (3) The ...
no account of proportionality or differentiation and clearly violatestheprinciplesofinternational humanitarian law. [...] 构,尤其是人权理事会,采取坚定措施,以便制止 在被占巴勒斯坦领土针对平民的任意攻击,并取消 ...
international humanitarian law, all blatantly beforetheeyesofthe international community and in flagrant defiance of [...] [...] 命令和其他殖民化做法所示,以色列显然是设法把更多的巴勒斯坦平民赶出自己 的家园和让他们流离失所,同时向西岸,特别是向东耶路撒冷及其周...