Accetto M and Zleptning S, `The Principle of Effectiveness: Rethinking its Role in Community Law' (2005) 11(3) EPL 375ACCETTO, M., ZLEPTNIG, S., The Principle of Effectiveness: Rethinking its Role in Community Law, in European Public Law, 2005, pp. 375-403;...
The principle of effectiveness is closely related to the development of the emerging EU law on remedies. Its instrumental use has enabled the EU courts to restrI LianosSocial Science Electronic PublishingLianos, I. (2014). The Principle of Effectiveness, Competition Law Remedies and the Limits ...
The principle of effectiveness and the development of a system of remedies at European Community lawKeville, Cathrina
The Court of Justice of the European Union relies on the principle of full effectiveness of EU competition law to ensure that all causally relevant harm is actionable, and thus achieves a very broad protection of the right to full compensation. As a result, in cases involving both competition ...
principle,rule- a rule or law concerning a natural phenomenon or the function of a complex system; "the principle of the conservation of mass"; "the principle of jet propulsion"; "the right-hand rule for inductive fields" natural philosophy,physics- the science of matter and energy and their...
In contrast to each of these ideas, Covey advocates that leaders need to understand universal principles of effectiveness, and he highlights how vital it is for leaders to first personally manage themselves if they are to enjoy any hope of outstanding success in their work environments. 出自-2011...
with, some people consider that the Government's use of public money to subsidize bus companies is in breach of the "polluter pays" principle and doubt the effectiveness of this initiative. 首先,對於有說法認為政府使用公帑資助巴士公司的做法是有違 “污者自付”的原則,以及 質疑有關...
1.Temper Justice with Mercy:Effectiveness and Rechtssaat-Oriented Criminal Policy;宽严相济刑事政策的出发点是有效率、有效益地防止犯罪;目标是实现法治国原则;得以实现的具体原则是比例原则。 5)autonomous principle of private law私法自治原则 1.Introducing autonomous principle of private law to criminal law ...
cost/effectiveness 【计】 效能价格比, 性能价格比 use cost 使用成本 cost,insurance,freight,cleared 运费、保险费、通关费在内条件(价格) 见C.I.F. Cleared. cost saving 节省成本 low cost a. 价格便宜的,廉价的 cost of living a. 生活费的 最新单词 bench-type core blower的中文释义 台式吹...
Our guidingprincipleshould be effectiveness, and I wouldliketohighlight seven points, picking up the themes of your [...] 我们的指导原则应当是工作实效,我 要根据你为此次辩论会准备的概念文件(S/2010/165) 中的主题,重点谈谈七点意见。