CRISPR/Cas (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats/CRISPR-associated protein) is widely used in the field of livestock breeding. However, its low efficiency, untargeted cutting and low safety have greatly hampered its use for introduci
It contains a lexicon with over 90,000 entries, constructed automatically by applying a set of extraction and conversion rules to entries from machine readable dictionaries.Lin, D 关键词: CiteSeerX citations PRINCIPAR---An Efficient Broad-coverage Principle-based Parser Dekang Lin DOI: 10.3115/...
In recent years, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) base editing systems have emerged as bioengineering tools. DddA-derived cytosine base editors (DdCBEs) have been developed to specifically induce C-to-T conversion in mtDNA by the fusion of sequence-programmable transcription activator-like effector nucleases ...
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. Sustainability\CloudforSustainabilityWasteDataModel/CircularityDesignPrinciple name The name of the circularity principle applied. Sustainability\CloudforSustainabilityWasteDataModel/Circ...
Not using pf-syntax may result in a system in which it is not clear which term belongs to the original ramified type theory and which term does not; • The syntax of λ-calculus is strongly curried. This would give problems in the definition of substitution. In a pf R(x, y) we ...
The physical plan is the plan that determines which computing operations are performed on which machines. It will be generated based on the logical plan, the distribution of machines, and the distribution of data. The SQL parsing of the Doris system also adopts these steps...
1)Conversion principle转换原则 英文短句/例句 1.The Principles of Conversion from CDM to PDM while Creating Database Model with PowerDesigner;PowerDesigner建模时CDM与PDM的转换原则 2.transfer from one domain into another, as of ideas and principles.指思想和原则的转换。
But therein lies part of the problem. Inflation is frustratingly flexible, easily adjustable to match new data – at least globally, if not in fine detail. Note, for example, how poorly its underlying field and potential are understood, even after four decades of development (see, e.g., a...
The Lift of a Wing The curved top of a wing creates a longer distance from front to back than the straight bottom. This causes the air on top to travel farther, and thus faster, to reach the back than the air underneath, creating a difference in pressure between the two surfaces. ...