Principle-of-Corporate-Finance网页 图片 视频 学术 词典 航班 Principle-of-Corporate-Finance网络公司财务原理;公司金融原理 网络释义 1. 公司财务原理有读《公司财务原理》(principle of corporate finance)这本书的吗? chasingd2012 2013-4-6 1174 luiyoui 2013-4-15 11:03 C…...
公司财务基础知识 Principle of Corporate Finance 作为初学者,尝试把课本知识整理一下。正好忙总有编写财务管理方面书籍的打算,希望借此与感兴趣的同学,大家一起交流,共同提高,也为读忙总新书打个基础。更希望得到各位专家的指点。 水平有限,贴子会比较长,更新会比较慢,见谅。也因为水平有限,贴子内容只能按照Principles...
公司财务原理(第八版)Principle of Corporate Finance 8th Richard A. Brealey 星级: 769 页 公司财务原理(第八版)Principle of Corporate Finance 8th Richard A. Brealey(下) 星级: 300 页 当升科技(300073):联姻锂电巨头、占领高端市场的锂电 星级: 16 页 公司财务原理(第八版)习题答案 星级: 281 ...
Principlesf of Corporate Finance 公司财务原则.pdf,BREALEY MYERS ALLEN Principlespp f ofoof Corporate Finance TENTH EDITION Principles of Corporate Finance ●●● THE MCGRAW-HILL/IRWIN SERIES IN FINANCE, INSURANCE, AND REAL ESTATE Stephen A. Ross,
Principle of Corporate Finance Chapter 1
摘要: Bachelor thesis. The goal of this work is first to elaborate which books are taught the most in corporate finance courses and second to evaluate and compare their contents regarding risk management…" [more]被引量: 213 年份: 2005 ...
金融E... ... Hedge Fund 对冲基金Principle of Finance金融学原理Accounting Essential for Decision Maker 决策者的会计精要 ...|基于10个网页 2. 精装本 Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis...精装本(Principle of Finance) Principles of Corporate Finance...影印本(.....
principle of corporate finance solution CHAPTER 2 How to Calculate Present Values Answers to Problem Sets 1. If the discount factor is .507‚ then .507*1.126 = $1 2. 125/139 = .899 3. PV = 374/(1.09)9 = 172.20 4. PV = 432/1.15 + 137/(1.152) + 797/(1.153) = 376 + 104...
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Flights-to-control: Time variation in the value of a vote Dual-class shares often violate the 'one share-one vote' principle, thereby creating the potential for agency problems. We develop a model of time-variatio... P Docherty,S Easton,S Pinder - 《Journal of Corporate Finance》 被引量...