2) principles of Administrative Law 行政法原则 1. Administrative Precedent consists of abundant principles of Administrative Law,which play an important role in administration enforcement and judicial trials. 行政法原则在行政执法实践和司法审判实践中具有重要意义,而行政判例中则蕴含着丰富的行政法原则。
网络课程名称行政法基本原理 网络释义 1. 课程名称行政法基本原理 什么意... ...Basic Principle of Administrative Law课程名称行政法基本原理basic principle of economic law 经济法基本原则 ... dict.youdao.com|基于 1 个网页
1)the principle of rule of law法治原则 1.They have explained and developed the principle of rule of law(Rechtsstaatsprinzip) embodied in the written constitutions in detail.宪法法院通过对宪法文本中法治原则的阐释以实现国家转型的法治目标。 英文短句/例句 1.The principles of legislation currently inclu...
Basic Principle of the Administrative LawYing Songnian Zhao Juan中国法律年鉴英文版
2. 信赖原则 ...rits Stroink也都承认,法的确定性原则与信赖原则(the principle of confidence)有密切关系。law.china.cn|基于11个网页 例句 释义: 全部,信赖保护原则,信赖原则 更多例句筛选 1. As a basic principle of administrative law, the principle of confidence-protecting also should apply to administ...
16.On Relationship between Norm of Administrative Criminal Law and Principle of a Legally Prescribed Punishment for a Specified Crime论行政刑法规范的适用与罪刑法定原则 17.Law Thinking of Determination of the Main Body of Bribes;对受贿罪主体界定的法律思考——由个案看现行受贿罪的局限性 18.The jury...
9.Applicability of Principle of Irrational-Relationship-forbidden in Field of Administrative Law;论禁止不当联结原则行政法领域之适用性 10.Applicability of the principle of party autonomy in International Private Law;试论当事人意思自治原则在国际私法中的适用 11.On the Application of Bona Fide Principle ...
摘要: The principle of protection of reliance is a basic principle in the administrative law of the Civil Law. The article conducts a study on it from perspectives of connotation, significance, theoretical basis and application.关键词: principle of protection of reliance connotation and significance ...
6) Government by law 法治政府 1. Toward the modern government by law——An Idea on Civil Servant s Notion of Administrative Rule of Law; 走向现代法治政府——略论公务员依法行政观念的树立 2. The modern new-type government is a modern responsible government that has some basic characters of...
1) the principle of rule of law 法治原则1. They have explained and developed the principle of rule of law(Rechtsstaatsprinzip) embodied in the written constitutions in detail. 宪法法院通过对宪法文本中法治原则的阐释以实现国家转型的法治目标。