In this paper we obtain bounds for the extreme entries of the principal eigenvector of hypergraphs; these bounds are computed using the spectral radius and some classical parameters such as maximum and minimum degrees. We also study inequalities involving the ratio and difference between the two ...
EIGENVECTORSHYPERGRAPHSLet G be a connected general hypergraph of order n with rank r. The unique positive eigenvector x with -n i=1 x ri = 1 corresponding to the spectral radius 蟻(G) is called the principal eigenvector of G. In this paper, the relation ...
principal eigenvectorLet H be a connected r-uniform hypergraph. The unique positive eigenvector x = (x1,x2,…,xn)T with ||x||r = 1 corresponding to spectral radius ρ(H) is called the principal eigenvector of H. In this paper, we present some lower bounds for the spectral radius ...
Yuan, On the principal eigenvectors of uniform hypergraphs, Linear Algebra Appl. 511 (2016) 430-446.L.L. Liu, L.Y. Kang, X.Y. Yuan, On the principal eigenvector of uniform hypergraphs, Linear Algebra Appl. 511 (2016) 430-446.
H. Li, J. Zhou, C. Bu, Principal eigenvectors and spectral radii of uniform hypergraphs, Linear Algebra Appl. 544 (2018) 273-285.H. Li, J. Zhou, C. Bu, Principal eigenvectors and spectral radii of uniform hyper- graphs, Linear Algebra Appl. 544 (2018) 273-285....