ICD-9-CM Principal Diagnosis CodeManual, SpecificationsHospital, NationalQuality, InpatientDischarges, Measures
Finally, aging clocks are not replacements for disease-specific risk markers or differential diagnosis. They differentiate subjects who are aging well from those who are aging poorly, helping us to define the former and pointing to interventions to help the latter. Early and proactive modification of...
•Ability to code/debug and guide others to code/debug flexible, scalable and complex programs, using either written or verbal design specifications•Experience with multiple programming languages, databases, operating systems, tools and hardware platforms• Ability to learn new tools, languages and...
I wonder how you expect that to work from a semantic point of view: you have a query that's relying on an authentication and you want to call it from a piece of code that by definition doesn't know about an executing user, right? Oh, and please note that Dijkstra is severly out o...
such as medicine, where ML systems might inform decision-making (including diagnosis and treatment). Although an entire computer science subfield known as “explainable AI” has emerged (e.g., [54,55]), which seeks to devise tools and methods with which to arrive at some degree of explainabi...
iv) Participated in 21 days DBT sponsored Short term Training course on "Serological and PCR based diagnosis of economically important infectious diseases of domestic animals" (November 10 - 30, 2009) organized by Centre for Animal Disease Research & Diagnosis (CADRAD), Indian Veterinary Research ...