Certificates canbe earned in the departments of classics, East Asian studies, French andItalian, German, Near Eastern studies, Slavic languages and literatures, andSpanish and Portuguese languages and cultures. 该课程通过各个语言和文学部门进行管...
普林斯顿大学拥有世界著名的图书馆系统,其中最为闻名的是普林斯顿大学图书馆(Princeton University Library):藏书众多,建筑优美。拥有超过900万本纸质书籍和100多个数字类电子图书数据库,保存了普林斯顿大学的珍贵手稿和文献,如爱因斯坦的手稿、密苏里协定原稿等,以及其他各种宝贵的学术资源。普林斯顿大学图书馆是一个重要的知识...
Chanakya Sethi
Near Eastern Studies, , M.A. Neuroscience, Operations Research and Financial Engineering, , Philosophy, Physics, Politics and Social Policy, Politics, Population Studies,(in Demography) Princeton Plasma Physics, Psychology, Quantitative Computational Biology, Religion, School of Architecture, , Slavic Lan...
近东研究 Near Eastern Studies 哲学 Philosophy 宗教 Religion 俄罗斯、东欧和欧亚研究 Russian, East ...
拉丁裔研究 Latino Studies 语言学 Linguistics 中世纪研究 Medieval Studies 音乐Music 音乐表演 Music Performance 音乐剧 Music Theater 近东研究 Near Eastern Studies 哲学Philosophy 宗教Religion 俄罗斯、东欧和欧亚研究 Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies 斯拉夫语言和文学 Slavic Languages and Literatures 南亚...
普林斯顿大学MA in Near Eastern Studies区域研究学硕士Department of Near Eastern Sudies 普林斯顿大学PhD in Classics汉语言与文学英语言与文学博士Department of Classics 查尔摩斯工学院MSc in Design and Construction Project Management设计艺术学管理科学与工程硕士 ...
普林斯顿大学MA in Near Eastern Studies区域研究学硕士Department of Near Eastern Sudies 普林斯顿大学PhD in Music Composition英语言与文学戏剧与影视艺术学音乐与舞蹈博士Department of Music 爱丁堡大学MSc in Infectious Diseases公共卫生与预防医学硕士 爱丁堡大学PhD in Linguistics & English Language其他语言与文学英语...
普林斯顿大学MA in Near Eastern Studies区域研究学硕士Department of Near Eastern Sudies 普林斯顿大学PhD in Classics英语言与文学汉语言与文学博士Department of Classics 南安普敦大学MSc in Strategic Operations and Supply Chain Management工业工程战略管理学运作管理学供应链及物流管理学创业与战略管理学硕士 ...
Nancy Coffin, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Near Eastern Studies and Director of the Arabic Language Program Nareman Amin GS ‘22, Affiliate Fellow at the Center for Culture, Society and Religion Nymisha Herrera Nimmagadda, Princeton Mutual Aid Member ...