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crown princess n. 皇太子之妃, 将继承王位的公主 princess syndrome n. 公主病 公主病,指一些自信心过盛,要求获得公主般的待遇的女性。公主病者多数是未婚年轻女性,自少受家人呵护、伺候,心态依赖成病态,公主行为受娇纵,有问题常归外因,缺乏责任感。有这种特征的男 princess diana phr. 戴安娜王妃 princess...
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crown princess 英[kraun prinˈses] 美[kraʊn ˈprɪnsɪs] 释义 n. 皇太子妃,将继承王位的公主 大小写变形:Crown princessCrown Princess 实用场景例句 全部 DenmarkCrown PrincessMary has joined the army. 丹麦王妃玛丽穿起武装,从军成了战士....
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crown princess 美 英 na.皇太子妃 网络皇冠公主号;女王储;皇太子之妃 复数:crown princesses 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 Crown-princess n. 1. 王储妃;皇太子妃the wife of a Crown prince 2. (某些国家的)女王储(in some countries) a princess who will become queen when the present king or ...
Princess Crown(1997) E Video Game|Action, Adventure, Fantasy Edit pageAdd to list Track You play as the thirteen-year-old princess Gradriel, the daughter of Elfrenne, queen of Valendria. Twenty-five years ago Elfrenne destroyed the demonic forces that were threatening the country. Now the ...
The meaning of CROWN PRINCESS is the wife of a crown prince. How to use crown princess in a sentence.