"Princess Butterfly" is the nineteenth episode of the Disney Jr. animated series Sofia the First. It premiered on October 11, 2013. The princes and princesses are excited for the All Hallows Eve Costume Ball, especially Princess Amber, who's determined t
In "Scrambled Pets", Hildegard acted like a brownnoser towards Sofia, James, Vivian, and even Amber. In "Dads and Daughters Day", not only did Amber chide Hildegard for being insensitive to Sofia, but Amber also furiously reprimanded Hildegard for putting their lives in danger in order to ...
Miriam (Hebrew) –“Wished-for child” or “beloved”; the sister of Moses and Aaron in the Bible Rebecca (Hebrew) –“To tie” or “to bind”; also spelled as “Rebekah” in the Bible, and identified as the mother oftwin boysJacob and Esau Strong YetElegant Girl Names Adira (Hebrew...