The Princess on the Pea豌豆公主There was once a prince.从前有位王子。He wanted a princess but it had to be a trueprincess!他想娶一位公主,不过非得是一位真正的公主!So he journeyed all around the world to find one,于是他走遍...
The Princess on the Pea豌豆公主 There was once a prince. 从前有位王子。 He wanted a princess but it had to be a true princess! 他想娶一位公主,不过非得是一位真正的公主! So he journeyed all around the world to find one, 于是他走遍天下寻找, but no matter where he went, something ...
The Pricess on the Pea 睡在豌豆上的公主 THERE was once a Prince who wanted to marry a princess; but she was to be a real princess. So he travelled about , all through the world , to find a real one , but everywhere there was something in the way. There were princesses enough, ...
I lay on something so hard that I’m black and blue all over. It was simply terrible. They could see she was a real Princess and no question about it, now that she had felt one pea all the way through twenty mattresses and twenty more feather beds. Nobody but a Princess could be ...
The prince married her, and they lived a happy life together.注释: 1. The Princess on the Pea《豌豆公主》2. mattresses (n.) ['maetrisiz]垫子(mattress 的名 复数)1. When did the story happen?No. it didn't, it was a fire drill.2. How was the princess' sleep?Once a month.3. ...
She said she was a real princess. “Well, we will find out about that!” thought the old queen, but she didn’t say anything. She went into the bedroom, took off all the sheets and blankets, and placed a pea on the bed-spring. Then she laid twenty mattresses on top of the pea...
The Princess onthe Pea 豌豆上的公主ONCEuponatimetherewasaprincewhowantedtomarryaprincess;,,,;therewasthunderandlightning,,,goodgracious!;.“Well,we’llsoonfindthatout,”,wentintothebed-room,tookallthebeddingoffthebedstead,andlaidapeao
“Well, we’ll soon find that out,” thought the old queen. But she said nothing, went into the bed-room, took all the bedding off the bedstead, and laid a pea on the bottom; then she took twenty mattresses and laid them on th...
安徒生童话:ThePrincessonthePea豌豆上的公主 kira86于2009-06-22发布l已有5579人浏览 外教任意选,每天陪你练口语提前下载-公交车上也能听英语英语口语8000句 ONCEuponatimetherewasaprincewhowantedtomarryaprincess;butshewouldhavetobeareal 0 ONCEuponatimetherewasaprincewhowantedtomarryaprincess;butshewouldhave...
When I was a kid, I always wondered why Disney never made a Princess and the Pea movie, and when I found this, it became one of my favorite fairy tale movies to watch. On rewatch as an adult, I can tell it's definitely not on par with Disney, but I'd argue it's still a hid...