Disney’s Oscar-winning movieis based on the Arabic folktale and follows the clever but kind street urchin Aladdin as he and an evil Grand Vizier fight for a magic lamp. Meanwhile, the independent and compassionate Princess Jasmine longs for freedom in her kingdom and falls in love with Aladd...
Princess Peach is a main character in the Mario franchise and the princess of theMushroom Kingdom. Peach first appeared in Super Mario Bros. and was created by video game developer, Shigeru Miyamoto to be the damsel-in-distress throughout most of the Mario games. She resides in hercastle, ...
I send to your an invitation. She and I will await you with our smiles. ukabiyuku kimi no koe de yume o mite'ru bokura no otogibanashi toki o tomeru Listening to your dreamy voice, I start having a dream where, in a fairy tale involving the two of us, I have frozen up time. ...
jealous of their sister's luck that they kidnapped the rider and replaced him with their own messenger who carried a note to the tsar which read: "your wife, the queen, has borne neither a son nor daughter, neither a mouse nor a frog, but had given birth to an unknown little creature...
Therefore I am glad to accept your kind invitation. Corporal Waddle may be trusted to care for my bears in my absence.""And you'll bring the little Pink Bear?" asked Dorothy eagerly."Of course, my dear. I would not willingly part with him."They remained in the wicker castle for ...