The Princess and the Frog is a 2009 American animated musical comedy adventure fantasy film based on E.D. Baker's novel The Frog Princess, which was in turn inspired by the Brothers Grimm's fairy tale The Frog Prince. The film opened in limited release in New York City and Los Angeles ...
The movie has some charming sidekicks in it.Louisthe alligatorplays a trumpet and is just such a fun, lovable dude. I really liked him and he was sweet and caring. But of courseRaythe fireflyis probably the standout supporting character as he is the most heartwarming creature here. His d...
As Tiana and Naveen followed the bay firefly to meet Mama Odie, they taught each other valuable lessons. Tiana showed Naveen how to work hard for what he wanted, and Naveen taught Tiana that having fun was important. Soon they became great friends. That night, the Evening Star shore bright...
Template:Infobox Disney Princesses Partly inspired from E.D Baker's 2002 novel The Frog Princess, and the original fairy tale "The Frog Prince", Tiana is the heroine of the 2009 animated film The Princess and the Frog and is the first Princess of African-American descent. She dreams of ope...
Love interest: The Prince Parents: The King and Queen (deceased); The Evil Queen (stepmother, living) Antagonist: The Evil Queen Theme song: Someday My Prince Will Come Appearance: Snow White has brown eyes and short, curled black hair, accented with a red headband with a bow. Style: ...