The Princess and the Frog: Directed by Ron Clements, John Musker. With Anika Noni Rose, Bruno Campos, Keith David, Michael-Leon Wooley. A waitress desperate to fulfill her dreams as a restaurant owner is set on a journey to turn a frog prince back into a
raisedhimtoherlipsandkissedthatlittlefrog. 之后青蛙变成了英俊的王子 Then,thefrogwastransformedintoahandsomeprince. 他们结了婚从此幸福的生活在了一起 Theyweremarriedandlivedhappyeverafter. 结束 Theend. 再读一遍再读一遍 Readitagain,readitagain. 抱歉夏洛特斯坦福快到家了 SorryCharlotte.Stanfordwouldbeathome....
青蛙捧到她的唇边并吻了他 15--Then, the frog was transformed into a handsome prince.之后 青蛙变成了英俊的王子 16--They were married and lived happy ever after.他们结了婚 从此幸福的生活在了一起 17--The end.结束 18--Read it again, read it again.再读一遍 再读一遍 19--Sorry Charlotte...
The Princess and the Frog-公主与青蛙-英文剧本台词文稿对白.docx,The Princess and the Frog【公主与青蛙】英文剧本 由 『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理 PAGE8 / NUMPAGES30 1--* Evening star is shining bright * 2--* so make a wish and hold on tight * 3--* Theres magi
"I think what I'll do, is I'll say a joke which is Charlotte's favourite joke at the moment, she keeps telling me." "Knock, knock," he said, to which the others replied: "Who's there?" "Interrupting cow," said the prince, and as the others responded he quipped: "Moo....
“My daughter Charlotte loves dancing,” William proudly told the family. While the royal couple’s daughter is developing into a dancer, she is also developing into a perfect little lady. In January, a source told PEOPLE thelittle girl is “very sweet and very confidence — she’s always ...