All licensed taxicabs in Prince William County will have a permit affixed the rear window All vehicles are computer dispatched and equipped with GPS for dispatching, call tracking, location history, and turn by turn directions. No matter what the occasion, Yellow Cab of PWC is the solution for...
Prince William Board Halts Effort to Reduce Concealed-Carry Permit Fees (Posted 2016-02-14 19:35:52) ; the Measure, Which Drew a Vote of 4 to 4, Would Have Lowered the Fee from $50 to $15Hunley, Jonathan
Maryland Permit Suit May Open Door To Court Review Of Credit Offsets The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) has filed an anticipated lawsuit which charges that two power plants in the state, which had previously sought to purchase pollution offsets, violated Clean Water Act (CWA) pe...
Prince William Board Reduces Concealed-Handgun Permit Fees (Posted 2016-02-28 17:09:20) ; Supervisors Vote 5 to 3 to Lower Fee from $50 to $15; Move Could Bring Spike in Permit ApplicationsHunley, Jonathan