Ranked By 11.2K votes 1.6K voters 2 reranks Voting Rules Vote for your favorite Prince of Tennis characters. Beyond the realm of sheer athletic prowess, Prince of Tennis is an anime series that explores the world of competitive tennis. Characters have their distinctive ski...
tennisisnothobby butbeathisfather’sgoal.Inthe matchwithhisteammatesand opponents,Ryomafoundamore meaningfulgoal–thenational competition,gettingridofthe pressureofoversteppinghisfather,in thepursuitoftheprocessofvisionary champions,hedecoiledouthisown tenniscareer.龙马从小在父亲近乎捉弄的态度 下学习网球,对他...
Namesakes: American author Stephen Edwin King (dubbed as the “King of Horror” for writing supernatural fiction, suspense, and horror novels) Also a middle name after American professional basketball player Stephen Curry (born Wardell Stephen Curry II) Variants: Stephanos (Greek) and Steven Theod...
In 2024, however, Riyadh took a significant step toward an increasingly sustainable future with the opening on Dec. 1 of the first three lines of a revolutionary new driverless metro system linking all parts of the city over 176 km of tracks. Riyadh’s goal is not only to get bigger, but...
Actress, activist, entrepreneur — she may be best known as the Duchess of Sussex now, but before she married Prince Harry and became mother to baby Archie, Meghan Markle led an accomplished, busy life in her own right (Prince Harry may have just married up if you ask us!). Though sh...