History of Prince of Persia In this documentary made by Nick930, explore the epic journey of the Prince of Persia series. From its beginnings as a 2D platformer made in an AV room in New York to its evolution into a beloved franchise, uncover untold stories, behind-the-scenes secrets and...
Prince of Persia: Directed by Jordan Mechner, Keisuke Yasaka. In ancient Persia, the sultan's vizier, Jaffar, seizes power. With his only obstacle to the throne being the sultan's daughter, he locks her up. In order to free her, you must escape dungeons,
Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown (Video Game 2024) - Referenced in, Featured in, Spoofed and more...
Prince of Persia: Directed by Andrew S. Walsh. With Tam Evans, Nolan North, Kari Wahlgren, Fred Tatasciore. After meeting Elika, a princess, in the desert, the Prince is tasked with cleansing a corrupted land with the help of his new companion, all the w
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The French video game publisher Ubisoft released the first major installment of the popular video game franchise “Prince of Persia” in nearly 14 years on January 18 titled “The Lost Crown” and it is the first time since it was first unveiled in 1989 in which the characters actually speak...
Prince of Persia: The Fallen King takes place after the computer and console version of Prince of Persia (2008) and following the events of the base game and its DLC, Prince of Persia: Epilogue. After the Prince splits from Elika, he sets off to find...
There's no question the original Prince of Persia is a classic game, with its iconic realistic movements, precision platforming and time limit. It's been ported to many, many platforms over the years, but does this handheld version hold up as well as other versions? In the transition to ...
Watch the latest and greatest trailers, movies, gameplay videos, interviews, video previews of The Rogue Prince of Persia
Prince of Persia starts with him looking for his ass (his donkey) that had tons of grave robbed loot on it and he was about to retire. That was before he met Elika. He is your typical guy that does not believe in fate or honor. Many times he points out in game that people don'...