【波斯王子3D(Prince of Persia 3D(1999)】游戏实况 Part13:浮空遗迹(Floating Ruins) 96 -- 38:34 App 【波斯王子3D(Prince of Persia 3D(1999)】游戏实况 Part11:飞船上部(Upper Dirigible) 89 -- 6:38 App 【波斯王子3D(Prince of Persia 3D(1999)】游戏实况 Part12:飞船篇,完!(Dirigible Finale)...
The v1.01 patch has a bug, which installs all the files into the Windows directory by default. To install the v1.01 patch properly, follow one of the two solutions below:Solution 1:01. Run regedit 02. Open "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Red Orb\Prince of Persia 3D\1.0" 03. Add a new...
Prince of Persia 3D (also known as Prince of Persia: Arabian Nights), developed by Red Orb Entertainment and published by The Learning Company for the PC, is the third game in the original Prince of Persia series. The game debuted in... See more » ...
Here's a game fit for a prince: are you ready to take up arms against The Grand Vizier Jaffar and become the Prince of Persia? The path begins here…
《波斯王子3D》PrinceofPersia3D全攻略《波斯王子3D》Prince of Persia 3D全攻略 攻略开始了: 失去双亲的王子凭藉着他的敏捷和机智,闯过了重重的险阻终于和心仪的公主成亲了,他从一名平凡的少年成为了一名勇士,婚姻使他快乐,岁月也让他成熟了许多。然而,他的人生似乎注定充满危机和冒险,一场可怕的陷阱正在等着他的...
2020-06-21 Added Prince of Persia 3D Brazilian Portuguese version. Thanks to Andre C. Campos. Click here.2020-04-24 Check out Mini Prince - a new MS-DOS fan-made platformer by Anne Bras. A stripped down version of Prince of Persia 1 to its bare minimum featuring a one whole level, ...
PC《波斯王子3D Prince of Persia 3D》图文攻略-《波斯王子3D Prince of Persia 3D》流程攻略介绍的是一款经典的角色扮演游戏。 我被一个带刀的彪型大汉扔进了监牢里。他居然还笑#¥%……咳,没办法,谁让咱们 命苦呢!先想想怎么出去吧! 咦?右边的墙怎么……我推(CTRL+前)哇!开了!这就出来了!呵呵……向右...
【视频】波斯王子3D..很明显视频是从youtube转的,优酷的话我想本来就没有这些视频Prince of Persia 3D (PC) - 01 - Opening
Nice game. Over millions copied sold. This game wich was released in 1989 and where now the third version: Prince of Persia 3D is one of the best games ever. You can get a sword and fight other arabian guys. Nice Action-Jump 'n Run - not bad, but somehow I never got into it muc...