This week, model and TV host Chrissy Teigen posted onTwitterabout how she had enjoyed Prince of Persia and wondered if the franchise was still alive. The creator of the series responded to Teigen, stating that he’s working hard at bringing the series back. “Chrissy, I know a few other ...
在线看Prince of Persia: Warrior Within - Tower Encounter.. 2分钟 28秒。12 7月 2018的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 871 — 已浏览。 217 — 已评价。
今年的GDC Awards中的The Pioneer Award终于颁不出来了过去的两年获奖者分别是2016年的Jordan Mechner(难道奖励多年前的Prince of Persia?)和2015年的Markus Persson(那时候他已经卖掉Mojang,逍遥去了)没有一丁点Pioneer的感觉,反倒像极了Lifetime Achievement的替补:暂时选不了终身成就奖,但是又有辉煌的过去,并且现在...
社区 小程序 游戏 手机应用 将自动采用推荐技术 Cosplay AVA 返回主页 社区贴文全部贴子搜索贴文公告板上的贴子 Cosplay AVA #Kaileena#PrinceOfPersia#Cosplay 最新动态: #BlackCat #Marvel #Cosplay #Triss #TheWitcher #Witcher #Cosplay #NierAutomata #2B #GiuHellsing #Elektra #Marvel ...
In extremely suspect timing onFebruary 7, 2018, just days prior to the global release ofMarvelandWaltDisney Studios’ Black Pantherfilm,in a sensational article theILLUMINATI MK ULTRA/MONARCHbi sexual- pedophiliahandler and programmerCoon, Quincy Jones,said thatMarlon Brandonhad been abi-sexual whore...