35 years of Prince of Persia Embark on a legendary journey through time and adventure with the iconic Prince of Persia franchise, celebrating its 35th anniversary this year. Become the prince of an epic odyssey through a captivating story, exciting gameplay mechanics, breathtaking landscapes, ...
CostumePrince of Persia™: The Lost Crown - Two Thrones Skin 2,99 € Ratings Prince of Persia The Lost Crown Sign In to Rate Global player ratings 7511 ratings 13% 6% 2% 6% Game and Legal Info This product entitles you to download both the digital PS4® version and the digital PS5...
1、简单易上手的游戏操作一定会让你快速融入到这款游戏当中。 2、丰富的关卡在线等你来挑战,你能自由选择关卡的难度。 3、无论你遇到什么样的困难,都请你不要放弃,帮助王子顺利逃脱。 4、在体验的过程中,你一定要注意帮助波斯王子避免尖峰。 波斯王子逃脱游戏特色: 1、这里有非常丰富的冒险剧情探险,选择你喜欢...
Prince of Persia is a classic computer game that takes place deep underground in a dungeon. It is not an easy game to play by any means so do not get discouraged if you have trouble at first. To make it out, you must solve puzzles, get items, and battle
Prince of Persia® 在这款游戏中,玩家将亲临神秘与传奇的大陆——波斯王子卷入了最原始的善与恶之间的史诗战争,即光之神奥尔谟兹(“善神”)和他的兄弟暗之神阿里曼(“恶神”)之间的战争。他目睹了传奇的生命之树的毁灭——致命的黑暗物质被释放,腐蚀了整片土地,将整个世界陷入永恒的黑暗。为了反抗黑暗之神...
加载中... 00:00/00:00 朋友游戏\-波斯王子 Prince of Persia 探索游戏世界发布于:北京市2023.09.08 21:10 +1 首赞
Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown 波斯王子:失落的王冠的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
Don't listen to all those haters, Prince of Persia (this 2008 version) is actually a truly wonderful game. Beautiful graphics and an incredible soundtrack are used to tell the story of the prince completely different than what you're used to. Yes, it's rather easy, the combat is sadly...
Prince of Persia 1 for android游戏简介 This game is a collection of Prince of Persia 1's mod games.The game is set in ancient Persia. While the sultan is fighting a war in a foreign land, his vizier Jaffar, a wizard, seizes power. Jaffar's only obstacle to the throne is the Sultan...
名称: Prince of Persia®: The Sands of Time 类型: 动作, 冒险 开发商: Kudosoft 发行商: Ubisoft 系列: Prince of Persia 发行日期: 2003 年 12 月 2 日 查看手册 查看更新记录 阅读相关新闻 查看讨论 查找社区组 嵌入 89 metacritic 阅读游戏评测 在Steam 上查看“Prince of Persia”全合集...