坊间一直传闻,哈里王子 Prince Harry 并非国王查理三世 King Charles III 的亲生儿子,他的父亲是一位叫 James Hewitt 的英国陆军的前骑兵军官休伊特少校。美国的《人物》杂志于2002年12月15日发表了一篇文章,表示威尔士王妃戴安娜 Diana 与英国陆军休伊特少校 James Hewitt 有染,Prince Harry 是野种,并非查尔斯的亲...
哈里王子观礼坐第3排,化身独行侠完场即闪 已移居美国的哈里王子(Prince Harry)上周六(6日)返回英国,出席英王查理斯三世(King Charles III)的加冕典礼,仅坐第3排距离父亲查尔斯和哥哥威廉王子(Prince William)甚远。哈里于完场后则化身独行侠极速闪人,急急脚赶到伦敦希思路(Heathrow)机场乘坐航班返美为儿子庆生。 英国...
英王查尔斯三世(King Charles III)加冕典礼于6日落幕,白金汉宫昨(8日)公开加冕典礼官方肖像,其中一张大合影中,不见与王室关系紧绷的哈利王子(Prince Harry)。 白金汉宫昨发布4张加冕礼官方肖像,由英国王室服务超过20年的御用摄影师雨果伯南德(Hugo Burnand)拍摄,拍摄时间是在加冕仪式后,地点在白金汉宫国事厅。 第...
英国哈里王子(Prince Harry)在名为《Spare》(暂译:备胎)的回忆录曝光英国王室成员不为外人所知的另一面。书中花了不少篇幅描绘向来形象高贵优雅、人前表现完美的英国储妃凯特(Catherine, Princess of Wales...
英国哈里王子(Prince Harry)早前入禀,起诉英国《镜报》所属集团“镜报集团报业公司”(Mirror Group Newspapers)以非法手段收集其个人私隐。最新披露的法庭文件显示,集团在庭审首日已向哈里道歉。周三(5月10...
“King Charles is a monarch, but he’s also a father,” Levin exclusively told Us Weekly on Tuesday, February 7, while promoting her new book, Camilla: From Outcast to Queen Consort.“He loves Harry. He might not like what he’s doing, but he loves him and there’s a ...
根据《每日邮报》报导,王室相关人士指出,5月6日才满4岁的亚契(Prince Archie of Sussex)和1岁的莉莉贝(Princess Lilibet of Sussex)年龄还太小,没办法出席查尔斯三世国王(King Charles III)的加冕典礼,加上加冕典礼也是在5月6日举行,哈梅夫妇应该会抽出一部分时间陪伴小寿星亚契。不过王室将哈梅的孩子们排除在外...
Prince Harry is the second son of King Charles III and the late Princess Diana. Read about his book ‘Spare,’ wife Meghan Markle, kids, young life, and more.
Prince Harry arrived in London on Tuesday, February 6, one day after the news of King Charles III’s cancer diagnosis was revealed
King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla make their first balcony appearance after their coronation followed by the Royal Air Force flyover. COMMENTARY: Heartless Harry really knows how to twist the knife when it comes to his once-beloved family, who have done nothing but support him for...