In 1985, the massive charity single "We Are the World" brought together over three dozen musicians, includingDiana Ross,Bruce Springsteen,Cyndi Lauper, andRay Charles. To add even more star power, the song was produced byQuincy Jonesand co-written byMichael JacksonandLionel Richie. But while t...
而Prince运用身体进行表演的能力更是与Michael Jackson一并成为了后生音乐人极难逾越的一个高峰,但是人无完人,由于是位完美主义者,并对自己的音乐严加保护,Prince被看作是位很难一起合作的人,MJ则比较随和,看到很多人在比较两位的才能之类的,闲谈了。MJ的音乐现在算主流,也许Prince的该冠以另类...
You look good. Tryin' your best to show it. If I were you, I would. True love and affection. These are nice, so nice but when a money man walks in the room, girl, you look more than twice.You look once, you look twice. Can I rap to you sugar tonight? (chorus) Donald Trump...
是我见过的最无礼的人之一。Prince非常争强好胜。他一直对我的家人很卑鄙和讨厌(mean and nasty)。”如果这些录音带确实是真实的,那就是James Brown演唱会The Glove One中跳舞翻车之后,Prince开着豪华轿车差点撞上Michael。
Michael Jackson's Kids Will Record 'We Are the World.' Following their appearance at the Grammy Awards, sources tell me Michael Jackson's two oldest children -- Prince Michael and Paris -- want to be included in Monday's re-recording of 'We Are The World,' the proceeds of which will ...
During the “We Are the World sessions, Loggins and Lewis remember being in awe of Stevie Wonder. HL:I watched each voice register on Stevie Wonder’s face, and it was amazing. And when we got about halfway around, he went, “Oh, my God...
Our aim was to find solutions to repair our planet and provide real hope for the future.我们的目标是找到修复地球的方案,为未来带来真正的希望。We want to make this the decade in which we transform the world for good,我们希望在这个十年内,彻底改变世界,one solution at a time, from the ...
The Little Prince 《小王子》 “ 倘若一个人对一朵花情有独钟,而那花在浩瀚的星河中,是独一无二的,那么,他只要仰望繁星点点,就心满意足了。 If someone loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows in all the millions and millions of stars, it is enough to make him happy just to ...
Here, then, is a great mystery. For you who also love the little prince, and for me, nothing in the universe can be the same if somewhere, we do not know where, a sheep that we never saw has-- yes or no?-...
The little prince gazed at them. They all looked like his flower. 小王子盯着这些花儿,它们看起来和他的那朵花一样。 "Who are you?" he demanded, thunderstruck. “你们是谁?”小王子震惊地问道。 "We are roses," the roses sa...