1); end if; local l := length(s); if l mod 2 = 0 then local f := floor( s/10^(l/2) ); return count(n-1,f) + count(n-1,s-f*10^(l/2)); else return count(n-1, 2024*s); end if; end proc: ans1 := CodeTools:-Usage( add( map2(count, ...
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, 27695, USA Shu-Cherng Fang Institute of Information Management, Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, China Bertrand M. T. Lin Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study, City University of Hong Kong, ...
December 13 2024 01 Hi! So I like to check that my manual integrations and/or maple integrations are equal with each other. I normally do this using the Test Relation function. I was working on a problem and noticed that Maple didn't evaluate the integrals being the same, even though th...
One solution to this problem is to apply the given algorithm modulo a number of primes and then lift the modular results to the rationals. This method is guaranteed to work if we use a sufficiently large set of good primes. In many applications, however, there is no efficient way of ...
We briefly sketch the classical approach of handling the problem of pointwise convergence. It consists of two steps: (a) EstablishL^p-boundedness for the corresponding maximal function. (b) Find a dense class of functions inL^p(X,\mu )for which the pointwise convergence holds. ...
mi("y"), Typesetting:-mo("+"), Typesetting:-mfrac(Typeset\ ting:-mrow(Typesetting:-msup(Typesetting:-mi("h"), Typesetting:-mn("2")), Typesetting:-mo("⁢"), Typesetting:-mi("b")), Typesetting:-mrow(Typesetting:-msup(Ty\ ...
We've just launched Maple Flow 2024! You're in the driving seat with Maple Flow - each new feature has a straight-line connection to a user-driven demand to work faster and more efficiently. Head on overherefor a rundown of everything that's new, but I thought I'd share my personal...
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