设计引物 🔧 一切设置好后,点击“Pick Primers”按钮,Primer3plus就会开始设计引物。 评估引物结果 📊 设计完成后,你会看到结果界面。在这里,你可以查看每对引物的长度、Tm值、GC含量等参数是否符合要求,以及引物对的二级结构预测和评分结果。评分越低越好。 验证引物 🔍 最后一步,使用NCBI的Primer-BLAST工具...
Primer3Plus picks primers from a DNA sequence using Primer3. This is the latest version straight from the developers with all the new features.
5 点击“Advanced Sequence”进入子页面,于“Force Left/Right Primer Start”右侧对话框中输入上游(左)/下游(右)引物起始位置序号(此操作即可将上游/下游引物设置在质粒骨架上)。6 然后点击右上方“Pick Primers”,即可跳转至结果页面 7 方法二:如果已知上游(左)/下游(右)引物,可直接在“Main”...
FASTA.Finally,primersselectedbyPrimer3Pluscan besenttoanorderform,allowingtightintegration intolaboratoryorderingsystems.Moreover,the openarchitectureofPrimer3Plusallowseasy expansionorintegrationofexternalsoftwarepack- ages.ThePrimer3PlusPerlsourcecodeisavailable ...
web interface is one large form showing all possible options.This makes it powerful,but at the same time confusing for the occasional user;without in-depth knowledge it is hard to tell which of the settings are important for a specific design task.Some tasks,like designing PCR primers for...
returnHTML += "<br/ >Primer3Plus could not pick any primers. Try less strict settings.<br /><br />"; } @@ -814,6 +837,13 @@ function goToPrimer3Manager(){ win.focus(); } window.goToGenomeBrowser = goToGenomeBrowser; function goToGenomeBrowser(linkAddr){ var win = window.op...