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Prime Gaming: At no additional cost, Prime members enjoy free games, a Twitch channel subscription, and more gaming benefits every month. Amazon Photos: Prime members get unlimited full-resolution photo storage and 5GB for video storage with Amazon Photos and customers can easily order printed pr...
据Business Insider,亚马逊旗下有声读物业务Audible裁减5%的员工。亚马逊在2008年收购Audible,后者业务是开发读书程序。报道引述Audible行政总裁Bob Carrigan向员工发出的电邮称,裁员行动是经过深思熟虑,长远有助公司取得成功。此前,Twitch、Prime Video及MGM Studios等亚马逊旗下业务均传出裁员消息。本文源自:金融界AI电...
Twitch Prime is a new set of Amazon Prime benefits created for people who watch and play games. A Twitch Prime membership comes with all the benefits of Amazon Prime: exclusive discounts, pre-order discounts, free and fast delivery on Amazon products, access to the Prime Video on-demand serv...
Fans in the local market of each team playing on Thursday night will be able to watch on an over-the-air station, while those who don't pay for either of Amazon's services can watch for free on Prime Video's Twitch channel (Twitch is also owned by Amazon). If you...
Prime Gaming also entitles you to a free subscription to a channel of your choice on the Amazon-owned, as well as free, exclusive emoticons. Learn more about Prime gaming Amazon Prime Day and Prime Early Access Amazon Prime Day is an annual, two-day sales event exclusively ...
Enjoy a selection of FREE games every month, gain access to FREE in-game loot, and always get a premium experience on Twitch. Amazon Prime has a value of S$4.99/month. Terms and Conditions apply., Inc. and its affiliates are not sponsors of this promotion. Amazon, Prime, ...
This content used to be part of Freevee, which was a channel within Prime Video. However,Amazon has phased out Freevee, rolling out all of that free content into the main Prime Video library. If you have an Amazon membership but aren’t paying for Prime, you’ll still be able to watc...
There are also occasional non-game bonuses you can claim, like a free Twitch channel subscription (a $4.99 value) that you can put toward your favorite streamer. You'll need to make sure your Twitch and Amazon Prime accounts are connected. This subscription counts as a Prime subscription and...
Twitch总裁Dan Clancy 10日通过官方博客宣布,Twitch将裁员超过500名员工,约占员工总数35%。此外,亚马逊旗下Prime Video和米高梅等部门也传出裁员行动。尽管Twitch依赖母公司亚马逊的基础设施,但经营每月提供18亿小时直播的大型网络平台,运营成本相当高昂。熟悉公司财务情况的知情人士向《彭博社》透露,亚马逊收购9年多...