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进入开通页面,点击Try Prime Student,根据步骤完成即可白嫖半年Prime。
Start your 6-month trial and then enjoy Prime at half the price. As a member, you'll get access to fast FREE shipping, Prime Video originals, exclusive deals for students, and more!
Are you sending a kiddo off to college next fall? Amazon Prime Student is a GREAT resource for them! Free 6 Month Trial of Prime!
Prime Student又是学生Prime,主要就是针对在校学生开通的一个会员模式,比Prime会员的优惠是要更大的,但是有开通要求是高等教育机构的学生优先注册,否则不能开通了。 亚马逊学生Prime如何注册? 学生Prime是要求要有高等教育机构的学生邮箱可以注册的,例如英国亚马逊需要用.ac.uk为结尾的邮箱注册;美国亚马逊要用.edu结尾的...
共享免邮、Prime Video、云存储、闪购提前抢 等福利! Amazon Household Prime RxPass 低价处方药 $5/月即可获得无限量指定处方药,无保险也能享优惠! Amazon Pharmacy 亚马逊网上药房 图片来自于Amazon,版权属于原作者 Prime会员费折扣优惠 18-24岁青少年 & 学生Pirme Student ...
Share Your Prime Benefits: Link your account with one other adult to share shipping, streaming access to movies and TV shows, Prime Reading and more for free. Members of Prime Student/Prime for Young Adults can’t share their Prime benefits. ...
3. Prime Video for Relaxing During Your Down Time Another cost-saving benefit of Amazon Prime Student is access to Amazon Prime Video. Students can enjoy unlimited streaming of Prime-eligible movies and television shows, potentially allowing them to ditch other paid services like ...
不过对于习惯了国内物流运速的各位同学,可能要对亚马逊的配送时长感到失望了,如果不是亚马逊会员的话,通常要在5-8个工作日才能收到订单,如果配送地理位置比较偏远的地方,送货时间可能会更久。 不过,要知道Amazon针对学生群体特别推出了Prime Student会员服务,本篇文章我们就给大家盘点一下Amazon的一些超值学生福利吧!