Featuring an ensemble cast including Robert De Niro, Diane Keaton, Susan Sarandon, Katherine Heigl, Amanda Seyfried, Topher Grace; The Big Wedding is a raucous romantic comedy centered around a dysfunctional family coming together for their adopted son's nuptials. As old flames rekindle...
The closest thing we have to a real-life Wall-E is the Mars rover Opportunity, which landed on the Red Planet in 2004 for a 90-day mission but ended up operating for almost 15 years. This documentary film tells its story and the bond that the NASA operators formed with it, and will ...
While some of the structure of this surprisingly Oscar-nominated film can be a bit by-the-numbers, it’s a stunning showcase for Riseborough, nicely accompanied by a supporting cast that includes Marc Maron, Owen Teague, and Allison Janney, all delivering. To Leslie watch on prime video ...
you probably did something right.The Naked Gunsends up the police procedural in uproarious fashion as Leslie Nielsen’s bumbling Detective Frank Drebin attempts to foil an assassination plot on Queen Elizabeth II. Beyond its iconic lines and over-the-top humor, don’t miss out on ...
With its diverse cast, witty writing, and insightful themes, this series offers a refreshing and honest take on the teenage experience. Read more Rowdy (2022): A Ride Through the Wild World of Kyle Busch This is not just a documentary about racing; it's a story of human potential, ...
not just in its animation style, but in its urban authenticity, as it follows the heroes in a half shell in their younger years as they crawl out of the New York City sewers and take on an army of mutants. The voice cast — especially the largely unknown tykes voicing the turtles — ...
‘My Lady Jane’ Cast Teases ‘Romantasy’ & ‘Genre-Bending’ Spin on Doomed Queen’s Life Jun 25TV Insider ‘Black Mirror’ Season 7 Will Include a “USS Callister” Sequel Mar 15Showbiz Junkies Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content ...
55 cast members Name Episodes Known for Helen Mirren DCI Jane Tennison 2 The Queen (2006) Tom Bell DS Bill Otley 2 The L-Shaped Room (1962) Karen Tomlin WPC Norma Hastings 2 Look at the State We're in! (1995) David Thewlis James Jackson 2 Naked (1993) Peter Ca...
Amazon announced it has cancelled The Tick, and that can only be because Amazon doesn’t know how to have fun. It is a superhero parody with heart, and a brilliant cast. Peter Serafinowicz is superb as the titular Tick, the superhero without superpowers, playing it without any knowing...
of the United States. Sweet, funny, and surprisingly steamy,Red, White & Royal Blueis a throwback to the classic romantic comedies of the 1980s and ’90s. The charming leads and supporting cast of familiar faces makeRed, White & Royal Bluea perfect film for a satisfying afternoon at home...