A prime lens is a lens with a fixed focal length. Therefore, when a prime lens is mounted to your camera, you cannot zoom in or out. If you want to change the magnification of the frame – that is, if you want to capture photos that appear closer or farther from the subject – yo...
Re: Which 24mm Prime or Zoom Lens for Landscapes? In reply to LennyLevino • Sep 21, 2023 LennyLevino wrote: Otherwise I'd take a look at the Sony 24mm f1.4 GM. I've heard great things about it. I believe it should be better than the Nikon f1.8S. I've shot both. Other...
Being so versatile, zoom lenses are great for travel and general use. A majority of photographers you see in public use some type of zoom lens, often either a 24-70mm or a 24-105mm lens. Both are great lenses and give the best of both worlds. The 24-70mm usually has its widest ape...
Prime vs Zoom Lens: Which Should You Choose? Now that you have an understanding of the main difference between primes and zooms, it’s time to get to the real question: Which is better, prime or zoom? The truth is that primes and zooms each offer different, but potentially useful, ...
I actually like having zoom lenses with overlap, so I don't have to switch lenses or cameras (when shooting more than one). Yes, that's also the case. But I thought from the title that you were going to divulge the number of each that you own. ...
The main benefit of zooms is the convenience arising from covering a range of focal lengths in one lens. This can save you time (swapping lenses) and money (being cheaper to buy one zoom than two or more primes). Zooms are useful as walkabout lenses, or if you are working in dusty or...
In some cases, if a FFL lens and a zoom lens at the same focal length setting have the same maximum aperture, the FFL lens might actually befasterthan the zoom lens. This might happen due to the fact thatf–stops are about geometry, i.e. about the geometric relationship between the fo...
Prime Lens or Zoom Lens: Which Should I Buy? Key concept (1): Types of prime lenses Prime lenses fall into four main categories. Wide-angle lenses These can capture a wide area of a scene. They have a full frame-equivalent focal length of 35mm or less. ...
Lenses that have focal lengths longer than 60 mm (or so), are referred to as telephoto lenses. They flatten facial features and are often much more flattering than a wider angle lens. A telephoto lens can be either a prime or zoom lens.Figure...
After graduating from a kit lens, you’ll need to decide between a prime lens and a zoom lens. But what exactly is the difference? Which one is better for you?