Modesty panel on the lower front body for additional coverage. Pattern construction eliminates underarm seams to enhance comfort. Three back pockets and secure zipper pocket offer maximum storage. Optimized pocket construction provides stability to loaded pockets. Lightweight full-length front zipper. ...
Industry and modesty are the chief factors of his success. 勤奋和谦虚是他成功的主要因素。 You must try to relax and not to worry - that's the chief thing. 你必须尽量放松,不要担心 —— 这是最重要的。 primary 通常不用于人。用于物时,侧重从重要性方面占主导位置,是首要的;主要的。 例句:...
and the modesty of the French. And that's topped up by the imagination of the Belgians, the ...
Humphrey:Well, let's say for information. Now, the Prime Minister is extremely anxious that the speech should not refer to the modesty of the grant increase. There are certain words he'd like you to avoid. Miserly philistine barbarism skinflint killjoy. He'd also like you to avoid all re...
-Well,let'ssayforinformation. Now,thePrimeMinisterisextremelyanxious thatthespeechshouldnotrefer tothemodestyofthegrantincrease. Therearecertainwordshe'dlikeyoutoavoid. Miserly...philistine... ...barbarism...skinflint... ...killjoy. He'dalsolikeyoutoavoidallreferenceto howmuchmoreothercountriesspendon...
I told Humphrey, very firmly, that I think that there is no doubt about that. Modesty forbids, but I have absolutely no doubt about my ability to do the job. But Jeffrey said there was a fly in the ointment. You are a bit of an outsider. Unless you can stage-manage some sort of...
Nor did he. But that was then: now is now. With that ability of his to change his act in accordance with the requirements of the audience, he has clearly decided that a display of the most ostentatious modesty is what is needed now.Watkins, AlanIndependent on Sunday...
Modesty in modelling: on the applicability of interactive planning systems with a case study in pot plant cultivation This book is a statement about the applicability of automated support for planning. ]be planning situations considered are those that bear upon the next production cycle of an organi...
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4)Industry and modesty are the chief factors of his success. 勤奋和谦虚是他成功的主要因素. primary 通常不用于人。用于物时,指在重要性方面占主导位置。 1)The sun is the primary body in our neighborhood. 太阳是我们的宇宙邻居中的主要天体。