The sequencing reads were then aligned to reference off-target amplicons using CRISPResso2 (ref. 97) in batch mode with ‘-q30’, ‘discard indel reads TRUE’, ‘plot_window_size 80’, ‘-w25’, ‘min_alleles_around_cut_to_plot 0.1’ and ‘max_rows_alleles_around_cut_to_plot 600’....
tuberculosis ligase D (PDB ID:4MKY for template/primer and PDB ID:3PKY, for metals and incoming nucleotide), which were fitted to the TthPrimPol model by using the three invariant catalytic aspartates (motifs A and C) and the invariant histidine (at motif B) as reference coordinates. The...
2b). Cre recombinase alone induced low but detectable (up to 4.4%) colour switching from GFP to RFP, indicating an ability of unmodified Cre recombinase to cross cell membranes (Fig. 2b,c and Supplementary Fig. 2a,b). TAT- and ANTP-CPPs resulted in enhancement of Cre delivery (up to ...
Hexon and fiber of adenovirus type 14 and 55 are major targets of neutralizing antibody but only fiber-specific antibody contributes to cross-neutralizing activity. Virology. 2018;518:272–83. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Tamura K, Stecher G, Kumar S. MEGA11: Molecular Evolutionary ...
The Node Finder returns a list of matching nodes that you can also cross-probe with RTL Analyzer, Timing Analyzer, and other GUI tools. Related Information • Using the Node Finder on page 158 • Node Finder Settings Reference on page 161 Copying Hierarchy Path Names You can ...
For each option validation type, cross-reference it by number to DHCPv6 Options by Number and check the Validation column. Table 4. DHCPv6 Options by Cisco Prime Network Registrar Name Cisco Prime Network Registrar Name No. Option Name 4rd 97 IPv4 Residual Deployment via IPv6 (...
First, paired-end high-throughput sequencing reads were processed to remove adapter sequences with trimmomatic (version 0.36) [54], merged into a single read with FLASH (version 1.2.11) [55] and mapped to mouse genome reference mm10 using BWA-MEM (version 0.7.12) [56]. Reads that mapped...
In order to estimate cross-contamination levels in prime-seq introduced by barcode swapping, we isolated RNA from human-induced pluripotent stem cells (line 29B5, passage 34) [60] and mouse ES cells (line JM8, passage 27) [2] using the Direct-zol RNA MicroPrep Kit (Zymo, R2062). RNA...
2b). Cre recombinase alone induced low but detectable (up to 4.4%) colour switching from GFP to RFP, indicating an ability of unmodified Cre recombinase to cross cell membranes (Fig. 2b,c and Supplementary Fig. 2a,b). TAT- and ANTP-CPPs resulted in enhancement of Cre delivery (up to ...
“au revoir" might ambiguously split into “see bye" in non-autoregressive translation with cross-entropy loss due to a lack of sequence-level cohesion. To mitigate this, we employ CTC loss47, which improves global consistency by enhancing sequence-level coherence, leading to more accurate and ...