Amazon Prime Gaming目前提供《辐射76》(PC / PS / Xbox)的免费下载服务,对所有亚马逊 Prime会员开放。此优惠适用于PC和Xbox One平台,《辐射76》下载截止日期为2024年5月16日。一旦下载完成,即可在免费期限结束后继续游玩。同时,Steam、PlayStationStore和Microsoft Store也推出限时免费活动,并且举办「Fallout」...
《辐射76》4月12号免费畅玩一周,亚马逊prime免费领游戏本体 辐射76(英文:Fallout 76)是一款由贝塞斯达游戏工作室开发,贝塞斯达软件公司发行的多人在线角色扮演游戏。 4月12日起,《辐射76》将在Steam、Xbox和PlayStation平台开启为期一周的免费畅玩活动,直到4月18日结束。不过,有些小伙伴可能不太清楚怎么在亚马逊prime...
《拉力赛艺术》;Steam冬促开启;鲍比科蒂克终于离开暴雪 03:36 Epic第五款神秘游戏《辐射3年度版》(Fallout 3) 01:45 “缝合宝可梦”《幻兽帕鲁》;辟谣暴雪游戏复活;字节与腾讯商谈出售游戏业务 03:21 Epic今晚喜加一;《传送门》大型免费模组;《这个面试有点硬》 03:11 Epic下周送出《Love》;卡普空禁用MOD遭...
Amazon has revealed the next batch of free games hitting Prime Gaming, available to all Amazon Prime subscribers at no extra cost. After giving away triple-A titles likeFallout 3 and 76 last month, June’s giveaways focus on smaller, but still critically acclaimed titles. In June, Prime sub...
This boost was enough to propel Fallout 4 into Steam’s top 20 most-played games over the past weekend, beating the likes of Path of Exile, Warframe, and Elden Ring. Fallout 76 followed the example of Fallout 4, setting a new all-time record for itself with 39,455 concurrent players ...
Based on thebeloved video game series,Falloutstars Ella Purnell as Lucy, a young woman among the masses of people forced to vacate their underground bunkers and re-emerge into the post-apocalyptic, irradiated world their ancestors left 200 years ago. In this age, Los Angeles is an incredibly ...
Epic下周送《木卫四协议》;2k启动器取消;《极限竞速地平线5》可能登录PS5 04:04 Epic今晚送《木卫四协议》;《无主之地4》公布《文明7》实机放出;《黑神话悟空》加速准备更新补丁 04:44 Epic下周喜加二;Steam被DDos攻击;Prime Gaming喜加14 03:33 游戏记者宣传盗版《黑神话悟空》;免费领取《海岛大亨4》;《...
1、《辐射 76》释出2022年开发路线图,来看看今年将上线什么新内容吧 除开每季都将推出一个全新的赛季之外,春季主题是 Invaders From Beyond,一起抵御外星人威胁,游戏还将迎来一次辐射世界更新;夏季主打 Test Your Metal,这是一种对抗致命机器人的竞技场决斗,还将对Fallout 1st(游戏中的会员订阅服务)记分板进度加...