What is the prime factorization of 432? What is the prime factorization of 1050? What is the prime factorization of 45? What is the prime factorization of 32? What is the prime factorization of 116? What is the prime factorization of 126?
defswinnerton_dyer_poly(n, x=None, **args):"""Generates n-th Swinnerton-Dyer polynomial in `x`. """fromnumberfieldsimportminimal_polynomialifn <=0:raiseValueError("can't generate Swinnerton-Dyer polynomial of order %s"% n)ifxisnotNone: sympify(x)else: x = Dummy('x')ifn >3: p =2a...
To find the prime factorization of a number, or a product of prime numbers that gives that number, we can use a number of different methods, and we can use a number of different rules. For instance, when a number can be written as a product of two primes, we have a special rule fo...