Amazon Prime Day October 2023, orPrime Big Deal Days, began today and continues through Wednesday where 4K ultra high definition smart TVs -- including the top endOLED television models and home theater accessories-- are again some of the deepest di...
Prime Day 2023的统计数据:• 平均订单金额为54.05美元,比去年增加了近2美元。•在购买最多的五种产品中,有两种(Amazon Fire TV Stick和Echo Dot 5)使用了邀请制优惠。•66%的Prime Day 2023购物者表示他们对今年提供的优惠非常满意或极其满意,而2022年这一比例为64%。 *数据来源:Numerator 2023年Prime Da...
Airpods 耳机 Airpods一直都是Prime Day的热门产品,其中又以Airpods Pro和Airpods 2代最为受欢迎,一个是旗舰级的TWS降噪耳机,一个是系列中售价最亲民的产品。Airpods Pro预测价格为$189,Airpods 2代预测价格为$79。Pro是去年才推出的2代,所以折扣力度预测能比平时再便宜10刀就不错了,Airpods 2就是去年Prime Day...
Save big during Amazon Prime Day 2024! Find helpful tips and get the latest updates on Prime Day deals.
Prime Day TV Deals 2024: Save Up to 45% Save Up to 56% on Leaf Blowers During Prime Day Generators Are Already Up to 54% Off for Prime Day Best October Prime Day Pocket Knife Deals Prime Day E-Scooter Deals 2024: Save Up to $200 ...
在畅销商品方面,液体静脉输液包、Temptations猫粮和亚马逊Fire TV棒位居销量榜首。购物者主要购买的商品类别包括服装和鞋子(34%)、家庭必需品(29%)以及家居用品(26%)。01 卖家花式晒单品牌知名度与销量双丰收 在2023 Prime Day中,亚马逊全球第三方卖家的销售额增长甚至超过了亚马逊自营业务。不少卖家朋友纷纷表示...
2023年亚马逊Prime Day,是疫情开放之后的第一个Prime Day活动,在流量和单量暴涨的情况下,很多卖家在Prime Day期间的销量都是十分可观的。01Prime Day整体表现复盘 由于之前疫情的影响,海外消费需求其实是趋于疲软的状态,有很多消费者在疫情的影响下,购买力没有像往年那么强,整体而言,跨境卖家在上半年的销量增长...
Aug. 9, 2023, 6:49 PM UTC / Updated Oct. 12, 2023, 2:25 AM UTC By Shannon Garlin, Alexandra Deabler and Danielle Murphy It seems like Amazon Prime Day 2023, an event created by Amazon, was just yesterday — maybe because it was only a couple of months ago. And if you haven't...
Amazon's October Prime Day is here, and there are already lowest-ever prices on five-star products.
2023年亚马逊Prime Day会员日大促已经开始! --- 根据往年经验亚马逊Prime Day期间值得买的东西有很多,具体了参考以下介绍。 1. 电子产品:如亚马逊自家的Kindle、Echo和Fire TV等产品在Prime Day会员日通常会有很大的折扣。此外,其他品牌的电视、笔记本电脑、相机、游戏设备等也常常有优惠。 2. 家居用品...