IT平台支持,为已有的对冲基金提供资产托管,leverage,securities lending, securities leverage等服务。
Prime brokerage主要指什么?PB业务在海外证券业务中的定位是:以对冲基金为核心客户的全产业链服务。在海...
Prime Brokerage提供的服务包括证券借贷(Securities Borrowing and Lending)、杠杆交易(Leveraged Trade execution)和现金管理(Cash Management)等。大多数最大的金融服务公司都提供Prime Brokerage服务,包括高盛、瑞银和摩根士丹利,此类服务可以追溯到 1980 年代。 一般来说,Prime Brokerage可以为客户提供一站式服务,从而让...
UBS needed to build the scale of the business, because prime brokerage has become commoditized and scale is therefore the way revenue is built up. The securities lending business at ABN will be moved from the existing, in-house ABN Amro platform to SunGard Inc.'s SmartLoan system, the ...
Prime brokerageis the bundle of services that major investment firms offer to their hedge-fund clients. It includes cash management and securities lending to help hedge funds increase their leverage as they make large trades. Key Takeaways
Offering global prime brokerage, trade execution, and new issue information services. Established in 1976, Triad Securities Corp. is a unique firm.
CB, Clifford ChanceSince prime brokerage is asset financing, can’t clients get better pricing by going to the fixed-income desk for repo, to the equities desk for securities lending, to the derivatives desk for margin lending? DP, Merrill LynchWe are going to give better margin whe...
Prime Brokerage Wikipedia Abrokeragethat provides services exclusively toinstitutional investors, especiallyhedge funds. Prime brokerage services includeclearance,lendingofsecurities, lending ofmoneyforleveragedtransactions, and technical and support services. Prime brokerage services allow institutional investors to ...
Prime brokerage refers to a bundle of services, including cash management, securities lending, and more. These services aid clients in accessing research, finding new investors, borrowing securities or cash, and more. A prime brokerage service gives large institutions a mechanism allowing them to out...
Prime brokerage refers to a bundle of services that investment banks and other major financial institutions offer to hedge funds and similar clients. Services included within a prime brokerage bundle may include cash management, securities lending, and more. ...