Type: Bank Location: Tulsipur, Dang, Lumbini Province, Nepal, South Asia, Asia View on OpenStreetMapLatitude28.12999° or 28° 7' 48" north Longitude82.29574° or 82° 17' 45" east Open Location Code7MW447HW+X7 OpenStreetMap IDnode 9215395431 OpenStreetMap Featureameni...
Prime Bank, a leading private bank in Kenya, has partnered with London-based FinTech, SimbaPay, to launch an instant international money transfer service via the bank’s digital platform, PrimeMobi. Start your trial Prime Commercial Bank Limited is a commercial bank in Nepal. The bank is an ...
Type: Bank Location: Garhadashi, Jhapa, Koshi Province, Nepal, South Asia, Asia View on OpenStreetMapLatitude26.51026° or 26° 30' 37" north Longitude87.93515° or 87° 56' 7" east Open Location Code7MR9GW6P+43 OpenStreetMap IDnode 9800813564 OpenStreetMap Feature...