Updated my B350-Plus today with bios 0803 and just for fun play around with memory-settings (with not much hope). 4*8GByte G.Skill F4-3200C16-8GKV Dual ranked Worst case as far as I know. I select the OCP in Bios to switch from 2133 to 3200 and was surprised it boots. 3DMark ...
华硕的PRIME X370-PRO,最近放出了6026版bios升级,这个是可以上5000系的CPU了吗?CPU支持清单里也没更新啊。 分享282 prime1studio吧 特约VIP用户 日本官网买的热能到了 幸福感爆炸 本体加税9000块,运费加税2000块。性价比还是可以的 +3 32910 prime1studio吧 街头橡胶 高大上的Prime 1 Studio除了已经公布的... ...
华硕B350 plus最高支持的CPU多核性能最强是R9 3950X 单核性能最强是R9 3900XT 刷新下BIOS就行了 因...