CoreAreas,CapitalCities,Primate Cities,ForwardCapitalsand MaritimeBoundaries CoreAreas,CapitalCities,Primate Cities,ForwardCapitalsand MaritimeBoundaries APHG 2015 APHG 2015 CoreAreasCoreAreas Refertothecenter,heart,orfocus. Thecoreareaofanation-stateisconstituted bythenationalheartland. Ithasthelargestpopulation...
We could speculate that the virus had either moved from subhuman primates to people prior to the mid-1950s or had been introduced to the cities through the migration of a few resistant carriers from a previously isolated group of people. However if HIV-1 had been present in rural areas, we...
When the pandemic started in March 2020, one respondent’s students were safer staying at the field site than returning to crowded cities; Two respondents were able to expand their consulting services due to the wider acceptance of digital working; Four respondents described their in-country colleag...