Briefly, for Nissl staining, after deparaffinization in xylene and hydration in alcohol series, sections were rinsed in distilled water, dipped for 4 min in a 0.4% thionine solution, quenched in tap water, then rinsed again in distilled water, before passing in graded ethanol for dehydration, ...
80 Later on, following this strategy β-substituted primary nitroalkanes 238 have been converted into alkyl esters 241 using iodine and molecular oxygen in the presence of an alcohol which has been used as a solvent (Scheme 64).81α,α-Diiodonitroalkanes 239 have been demonstrated to be formed...
Secondary outcomes were opioid dose, emotional distress, and ecological momentary assessments of opioid craving. The minimum intervention dose was defined as 4 or more completed sessions of MORE or supportive group psychotherapy. Results Among 250 participants (159 women [63.6%]; mean [SD] age, ...
BMC Infectious Diseases (2023) 23:345 BMC Infectious Diseases STUDY PROTOCOL Open Access Phase 1 trial to model primary, secondary, and tertiary dengue using a monovalent vaccine Camila D. Odio1*, Kelsey E. Lowman1,2, Melissa Law1, ...
It was accordingly hypothesised that the reaction pattern was due to a specific primary reactivity against some gliadin polypeptides, with a secondary immunization with other polypeptides, initiated by epithelial damage and increased intestinal permeability. Gliadin, digested with pepsin and trypsin (PT-...
(33). Other important functional groups such as ester (13), methoxyl (11,14,23,26–29,36–38,42–44) and trifluoromethoxyl (9) were also tolerated. The cross-coupling was successful for various primary, secondary, and tertiary aliphatic NHPI esters, including those containing heterocyclic ...
[16]. Parent-related factors including poor parenting skills, mental health problems, and drug/alcohol abuse also have a strong influential role in CM [11,17]. Furthermore, parents who experienced CM are more likely to maltreat their own children [18,19]. Low socioeconomic status (SES) is...
Linear mixed models will be used to evaluate primary and secondary outcomes. In these models, intercepts and/or slopes will be allowed to vary on the level of the individual where appropriate and time and treatment group as well as their interaction will be included as fixed effects. To allow...
exceeding situs inversus, teratogenic syndromes, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FAS), lateralization syndromes, and all other anomalies. Anomalies were most strongly associated with daily cannabis use, as indicated by significant E-value estimates (50/64, 781%) and mEVs exceeding 9 in 42/64 (...
Family 7 had a CT angiography of the brain at the age 27 years old, which showed multifocal narrowing of the distal intracranial arteries with likely secondary intravascular calcium deposition in the absence of cardiovascular risk factors (Fig.1b(VIIb)). No conclusive brain calcification imaging wa...