Secondary Sources and Primary Sources “通过确定基本事实,例如建设年份,二手资料可以将研究人员指向最佳的primary sources,例如正确的税簿。 此外,仔细阅读二级来源的参考书目可以揭示研究人员可能错过的重要来源。” (Alison Hoagland and Gray Fitzsimmons, “History.” Recording Historic Structures, 2nd. ed., edited...
美国国会图书馆将primary sources定义为从过去幸存下来的实际记录,如信件,照片或衣物,与secondary sources相反,后者是人们在有时写事件时创造的过去的记录他们发生后。 Examples and Observations [Primary sources]提供您首先用于测试工作假设的原始数据,然后作为证据来支持您的声明。例如,在历史上,primary sources包括您正...
美国国会图书馆将primary sources定义为从过去幸存下来的实际记录,如信件,照片或衣物,与secondary sources相反,后者是人们在有时写事件时创造的过去的记录他们发生后 Examples and Observations [Primary sources]提供您首先用于测试工作假设的原始数据,然后作为证据来支持您的声明。例如,在历史上,primary sources包括您正在...
Primary Sources vs Secondary Sources What’s the difference and why it matters What is a Primary Source? original records of the political, economic, artistic, scientific, social, and intellectual thoughts and achievements of specific historical periods. Produced by the people who participated in and...
在History Essay写作中,大家会遇到(通常)两种sourcesprimary和secondary sources. primary source是原始文档(从您正在研究的时间段开始,或者由当时在那里的人创建)、创造性工作或工件。为了更好地理解这个定义,让我们把它分解一下。 1.Original documents可以包括演讲、信件、手稿、照片、报纸和新闻电影片段。原始文件也可...
Primary Sources and Secondary Sources Introduction To conduct thorough research and gain a deep understanding of a particular topic, it is crucial to utilize various sources of information. These sources can be broadly categorized into primary sources and secondary sources. Understanding the differences ...
Sources fall into two main categories: primary sources and secondary sources. Both provide valuable information for you touse in an essayor another kind of academic writing, but they provide very different kinds of value. Read on to learn about the differences between primary and secondary sources...
Primary sources are original records of the political, economic, artistic, scientific, social, and intellectual thoughts and achievements of specific historical periods. They are produced by the people who participated in and witnessed the past. They offer a variety of points of view and perspectives...
Interpretation and synthesis: secondary sources provide a synthesis of the topic of interest, which can help you to quickly understand the most important takeaways from a data set. Time-saving: secondary sources can save you time, as you don’t need to analyse primary sources yourself – you ...
Paper One – Primary Sources vs. Secondary Sources: The Final Solution and the Holocaust"Along the way they encountered the depths of Nazi horrors when they discoveredconcentration camps. American soldiers saw humans that looked more like skeletons, gas chambers, crematoriums, and countless victims....