Define primary election. primary election synonyms, primary election pronunciation, primary election translation, English dictionary definition of primary election. n. A preliminary election in which voters nominate party candidates for office. American
Define primary glaucoma. primary glaucoma synonyms, primary glaucoma pronunciation, primary glaucoma translation, English dictionary definition of primary glaucoma. n. Any of a group of eye diseases characterized by abnormally high intraocular fluid pres
Quaternary activities are specialized tertiary activities in the ‘Knowledge Sector’ which demands a separate classification. There has been a very high growth in demand for and consumption of information-based services from mutual fund managers to tax consultants, software developers and statisticians. ...
The intensity of between-school pupil mobility in Flemish regular primary education is measured for the first time, using enumerative data about a birth co
The work of these and other important scientists such as the Prussian explorer and scientist Alexander von Humboldt, who had traveled in South America, brought together new analyses of human and environmental data and symbiosis, laid the foundations for a new kind of scientific geography, and ...
Following grade 8, students may opt for one of the many different courses in either the general or technical and vocational education (TVE) sector offered at secondary level II. Transfer requires successful completion of grade 8 and is also based on achievement. ...
(maximum SSTA) and frequencies of their events, the northwestern Atlantic sector down to 40°S was also identified as a pronounced MHW area. To better represent the individual MHW event strength, the cumulative intensity metric (Fig.2j) was analysed, which combined both duration and intensity (...
Quality of Video and Audio: High-definition transmission allows for a clearer understanding and minimizes technical disruptions. Webex: A Holistic Virtual Learning Experience A contender that often goes unnoticed,Webexprovides a rich set of features tailored for the educational sector. ...
Roh and Moon [35] and Escarce and Kapur [30] observed that patients in rural USA are more likely to bypass local public-sector providers to access care from private providers. Patients are less likely to bypass local health care providers when the distance to alternative providers is ...
During the development of characterisation factors, consideration was given to a number of key influences including geography, population densities, chemistry, emission rates and other such technical characteristics that define the relationship between environmental flows and their potential impacts. 2.3 Data...