plasma ce Approximately 20–40% of ITP patients do not have detectable anti-GP autoantibodies, suggesting alternative mechanisms of platelet destruction. Many studies have demonstrated that CD8+cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) from peripheral blood or spleen of ITP patients can directly lyse platelets or...
CourseIntroduction Developstudents'Englishspeakingskills:Throughthiscourse,studentswilllearntoexpressthemselvesclearlyandconfidentlyinEnglish,improvetheirpromotionandfluency,andgainabetterunderstandingofEnglishgrammarandvocabulary Enhancestudents'communicationabilities:Thecourseaimstohelpstudentsdeveloptheircommunicationskills,...
Practical guidance for the management of adults with immune thrombocytopenia during the COVID-19 pandemic. Br J Haematol. 2020;189(6):1038–43. 172. Rodeghiero F, Cantoni S, Carli G, Carpenedo M, CarraiV, Chiurazzi F, et al. Practi‑ cal recommendations for the management of ...
(primary DNA damage) associated to occupational exposure O: other outcomes not related to primary DNA damage S: not original papers (opinion paper, review article, commentary, letter, article without quantitative data) English No filter (from inception) PubMed/Medline; Web of Science; Scopus 2.2...
Acknowledgments: This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51277095, 51507079, 51777096) and ESTUN AUTOOMMAATTIIOONNTTEECCHHNNOOLLOOGGYYCCoo..,,LLTTDD.. AAuutthhoorr CCoonnttrriibbuuttiioonnss:: DDiinnggffeenngg DDoonngg aanndd WWeennxxiinn HHuuaa...
The scientific findings of this study can provide some guidance for the conservation of plant diversity and the development of animal husbandry. First, compared to the regions with lower warming, more attention should be paid to the conservation of plant diversity in regions with greater warming. ...