The article reveals the legal and substantive components of music teacher and primary school teacher training, which is within one educational and professional program Secondary Education (Music). Primary education. Its characteristic features are analyzed. The combinatio...
School of EducationJournal of Education for TeachingMorrison, K. (1989). Training teachers for primary schools: The question of subject study. Journal of Education for Teaching, 15, 97-111. doi:10.1080/0260747890150202Morrison, K. (1989). Training teachers for primary schools: The question of ...
1) general primary school teachers training 全科型教师培养2) the training of teachers with competence in theory and practice "双师型"教师培养3) science teacher preparation 科学教师培养 1. science teacher preparation and analyzing over 20 secondary science teacher preparation programs, the author ...
Trainingpurposeandsignificance 01 ThepurposeofthetrainingistoimprovetheprofessionalqualityandteachingabilityofprimaryschoolEnglishteachers 02 Throughthetraining,teacherscanmasteradvancedteachingmethodsandstrategies,learntousemoderneducationaltechnology,andimprovetheirabilitytodesignandimplementeffectiveteachingplans 03 Thetraining...
1) teachers training in primary and secondary schools 中小学教师培训 1. This paper presents the view that together with a new curriculum reform in basic education, it is the key to present teacher education to stressteachers training in primary and secondary schoolsso as to meet the requirements...
girls in the final yearofprimaryschool and gender-sensitizedteacher trainingandclassroom materials. 2010 年,通过采取各种办法,包括补习课、补助金、小学最后一年的女孩奖学金 方案以及对性别问题有敏感认识的师资培训和教材等,消除在留住女孩并使其继 续接受中学教育方面...
2) elementary school teacher training 小学教师培养 例句>> 3) the pre-work training of the primary school teachers 小学教师职前培养 1. After the education reform,there appears some problems in the system of the pre-work training of the primary school teachers and this system can not meet ...
3.Cruazheng Primary School of Fangang toz~.rn ,Tongcheng 231461,China) A bst ract :W ith the acceler at ed process of the g lobal int eg rat ion and the furt her development of the educa— t ion r efo rm ,W e pay mo re and m ore at t ention the t raining m odels of...
Pre Primary teacher training course from ATI brings to aspiring teachers a new teacher training program for those who want to teach in pre- schools and primary schools.
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