中小学心理健康教育指导纲要(Guidelinesformentalhealth educationinprimaryandsecondaryschools) Theschoolmentalhealtheducationguidelines_Baidu encyclopediasharetoshareakeyQQSinaBaidumicro-blogspace renrenTencentmicro-blogBaiduTencentBaiduPostBar albumhappynetfriendbeannetmicro-blogBaidunewFoxHome QQofmicro-blogandBaiduto...
[1] editor of school mental health education in the primary and middle school students, improve psychological quality and promote the harmonious development of physical and mental health education, is to further strengthen and improve the moral education work, an important part of the comprehensive ...
Mental Health of Preschool and Primary School Children: Dynamics and Improvementdoi:10.21203/RS.3.RS-130762/V1Valentina SpichakValentina SirotinkinaIrina SokolenovaIuliia AkulininaAdvanced ResearchTrentz
This study investigated whether individual- and contextual-level school-related factors including violence from school staff and other students, connectedness to school and peers, as well as school size and urban/rural location, were associated with mental health difficulties in Ugandan children. We ...
This indicates that the curriculum intervention for the primary and secondary school mental health teachers could effectively improve the teachers' professional identity.doi:10.4236/health.2012.412191Hao LeiCheng GuoYan-Ling LiuScientific ResearchHealth...
Article: Primary school students' mental health in Uganda and its association with school violence, connectedness, and school characterist
A study of 296 primary school teachers in New Zealand revealed a very low correlation between mental health, measured by the General Health Questionnaire, and absence from work. The correlations between mental health and feelings of stress at work and between mental health and job satisfaction were...
Pupils play a game under the guidance of teacher at the Experimental Primary School in Yuelu District of Changsha, central China's Hunan Province, May 31, 2023. The Experimental Primary School in Yuelu District of Changsha City has developed various forms of mental health education activities to ...
Promoting Effect of School Physical Education on Adolescent Mental Health Education--On the Cultivation of"Masculinity" This paper learned the status quo of adolescent mental health through literature method.In recent years,the lack of"masculinity"has attracted more and more... X Zhong,S Zhang,L ...
This study aimed to address this gap in the literature by exploring parents' communications to their primary-school aged children around mental health and ill-health. Semi structured interviews were carried out with ten parents of children aged 7-11. Data collection and analysis was performed ...