Preoperative ultrasound has an important role in the determination of the pretherapeutic ALN status in patients with newly diagnosed breast cancer; however, it is operator dependent and may have limitations in assessing ALN status, especially in patients with large or dense breasts [8,9,10,11,12...
Understanding physicians' intentions to withdraw from practice: the role of job satisfaction, job stress, mental and physical health. Health Care Manage Rev. 2001;26(1):7-1911233355PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 14. Dorsey ER, Jarjoura D, Rutecki GW. Influence of controllable lifestyle on recent...
Role of the Funder/Sponsor: Google LLC was involved in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript; and decision to submit the manuscript for publication. Additional Contributions: Sara ...
cancer cells demonstrate abnormal patterns of genes that normally are not expressed together (Fig.5b). To address the question of whether or not the limited number of pregnancy-associated genes that are members of an established breast cancer prognostic platform are associated together in established ...
66% of patient in our analysis received Taxol as initial treatment. Figure 1 Selection criteria for patients in clinical prediction analysis. Full size image The institutional review board (IRB) of the University of Iowa (UI) approved the current study including human subjects/materials on April ...
Despite the increasing use of cementless stems in total hip arthroplasty, the cemented stem has played a valuable role in the armamentarium of orthopedic surgeons. This study aims to compare two types of Libra® stems SERF, one cemented (Libra® C) and the other cementless hydroxyapatite coate...
Institutional review board was granted for this study (IRB number blinded for journal review). From January 2018 to May 2020, a total of 154 patients with ACL acute tears, within 14 days from injury, were admitted to our institution. Patients were carefully informed pre-operatively about possibl...
Mr. Milnes, a Chartered Property & Casualty Underwriter and Certified Insurance Councilor, has taken a leading role in the insurance and financial services industry for over 40 years. He is currently Chairman of INEX Capital & Growth Advisors and CEO of Optisure Risk Partners, an emerging nationa...
Barriers to accessing care, as well as poorer patient-doctor relationships and more frequent negative interactions with providers due to biases in care delivery have been demonstrated among some Asian American patients and may play a role in their lower rate of telemedicine use.21-23 The increase ...
clinical utility of subjective gait speed assessment in primary CVD prevention settings. Furthermore, the evaluation of gait speed may have the potential to improve predictive ability for future HF and CVD events. This demonstrates the essential role of functional exercise ability in primary CVD ...