(1999). Primary progressive aphasia: A case report. European Journal of Neurology, 6, 515-519.Nagy, T.G., Jelencsik, I. y Szirmai, I. (1999). Primary progressive aphasia: A case report. European Journal of Neurology, 6 (4): 515-519....
The primary progressive aphasias are a heterogeneous group of focal ‘language-led’ dementias that pose substantial challenges for diagnosis and
Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is such a syndrome in which AOS coexists with other linguistic deficits, typically agrammatic aphasia. Recently, however, AOS has been demonstrated to occur in a pure or isolated form, known as primary progressive apraxia of speech (PPAOS), reaffirming the ...
Primary progressive aphasia is a neurodegenerative syndrome characterized by a relentless dissolution of language but relative sparing of other cognitive domains during the initial stages of the disease. Substantial progress has been made in understanding the clinical characteristics, imaging, genetics, and ...
sudden.“PrimaryProgressiveAphasia”(PPA)isoneofseverallabels attachedtoalanguagedisorder“ofinsidiousonset,gradualprogressionandprolongedcourse,intheabsenceofgener- alizedcognitiveimpairments(atleastforasubstantialperiodoftime),duetoadegenerative[brain]condtion”(Duffy). Inlayperson'sterms,itisaslowlyworsening...
...包括额叶痴呆(frontal dementia)及原发性进行性失语(primary progressive aphasia)等。 baike.soso.com|基于15个网页 2. 原发进行性失语症 :: 心理出版社 :: ... 语用能力 Pragmatic Language Skills原发进行性失语症Primary Progressive Aphasia预后 Prognosis ... ...
Primary Progressive Aphasiadoi:10.1002/alz.042842C BirdirK JanssenA GellhausP WimbergerGeorg Thieme Verlag KGKlinische Neurophysiologie
Primary progressive aphasia: PPA and the language network (This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.) Annals of NeurologySreepadma P. Sonty
Evolution of Primary Progressive Aphasia Clinical Variant Diagnostic Criteria Used at the UCSF Memory and Aging Center eTable. Patients Who Did Not Meet Root PPA criteria. eAppendix 2. Voxel-based Morphometry Analyses eAppendix 3. Neuropathology Methods eReferences. 1. Mesulam MM. Slowly progressive...
with a primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is reported. Phonemic paraphasias and articulatory errors characterized speech production. On first examination her expressive deficit suggested an apraxia of speech in the absence of any other language or cognitive deficits. However, systematic assessment of her...