Q1: What are the primary sources of air pollution?A1:English: The primary sources of air pollution include vehicle emissions, industrial processes, power plants, and natural sources such as wildfires and volcanic eruptions. Major pollutants include carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and...
A study on the environmental behavior of global air pollutants based on the continuous measurements of atmospheric radon concentrations Radon is a useful natural radioactive tracer of air transportation of atmospheric pollution, since radon is a noble gas and chemically inert. The atmospher... T Iida...
16.Total air pollutant emission control planning is a major urban environmental management approach.大气污染物总量控制是控制城市大气环境污染主要管理手段。 17.Study on Main Gaseous Pollutants in Beijing and Tianjin Areas京津地区大气中主要气体污染物的研究 18.Study on the Effect of Lead Pollution in Soi...
air pollution secondary pollutant References in periodicals archive ? Secondary pollutants such as [O.sub.3] and S[O.sub.4] had higher concentrations in the warm than in the cold season, whereas primary pollutant such as CO had higher concentrations in the cold than in the warm season. Estim...
A study on the prediction of secondary pollutants' concentration in cities are carried out in this paper, based on a former version of the City Air Pollution Prediction System (CAPPS). 本文在CAPPS原有模式基础上研究了城市大气中臭氧等二次污染物的预报问题。 更多例句>> 4) primary poker 一次污...
During the past decades, developed countries have instituted control programmes to reduce emissions of primary air pollutants and precursor emissions for secondary pollutants such as ozone 在过去十年来,各发达国家制定了管制方案来减少初级空气污染物的排放和减少诸如臭氧的这种次生污染物的前体排放。 MultiUn...
Pollutants from primary sources dominate the oxidative potential of water-soluble PM2.5 in Hong Kong in terms of dithiothreitol (DTT) consumption and hydroxyl radical production Author links open overlay panelYubo Cheng a, Yiqiu Ma a b, Biao Dong c, Xinghua Qiu d, Di Hu a bShow more Add ...
aThe first step to solving air pollution is assessment. Researchers have investigated outdoor air pollution and have developed standards for measuring the type and amount of some serious air pollutants. 第一步到解决空气污染是评估。 研究员调查了室外空气污染和开发了标准为测量种类和相当数量一些严肃的空...
Residential low efficient fuel burning is a major source of many air pollutants produced during incomplete combustions, and household air pollution has been identified as one of the top environmental risk factors. Here we compiled literature-reported emission factors of pollutants including carbon monoxid...
There is widespread concern about the possible health effects of traffic-related air pollution. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is a convenient marker of primary pollution. We investigated the associations between lung function and current residential exposure to a range of air pollutants (particularly NO2, ...